

Compiler Types and Setting

The work, parallel and calculation servers offer compiling functions.


Use the module command to set the compiler environment. The module file to be loaded in every compiler below.

Compiler Version module file
gcc 4.8.5 default
gcc 7.5.0 gcc/750 work and calculation servers
gcc 8.3.0 gcc/830 work and calculation servers
gcc 9.3.0 gcc/930 work and calculation servers
Intel Compiler(64bit) 2020 intel/2020
Intel Compiler(32bit) 2020 intel32/2020
PGI Compiler(64bit) 20.1 pgi/20.1


Shown below is some of the major compilation commands for each source program.
If you want to compile MPI applications, see "MPI Compilation". If you want to compile with OpenMP, see "OpenMP Compilation".

Compiler Type Program Type Compilation Command
Debugger 1
gcc version 9.3.0 2
gcc version 8.3.0 2
gcc version 7.5.0 2
gcc version 4.8.5 2
C 64bit gcc gdb
gcc -o hello hello.c
C 32bit gcc
gcc -m32 -o hello hello.c
C++ 64bit g++
g++ -o hello hello.cpp
C++ 32bit g++
g++ -m32 -o hello hello.cpp
Fortran 64bit gfortran
gfortran -o hello hello.f
Fortran 32bit gfortran
gfortran -m32 -o hello hello.f
Fortran90 64bit gfortran・・・・except version3.4.6
gfortran -o hello hello.f90
Fortran90 32bit gfortran・・・・except version3.4.6
gfortran -m32 -o hello hello.f90
PGI 20.1
PGI 20.1 3
Link to Manuals
C 64bit/32bit pgcc pgdbg
pgcc -o hello hello.c
C++ 64bit/32bit pgCC
pgCC -o hello hello.cpp
Fortran 64bit/32bit pgf77
pgf77 -o hello hello.f
Fortran90 64bit/32bit pgf90
pgf90 -o hello hello.f90
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Cluster Edition
Link to Manuals
C 64bit/32bit icc idb
icc -o hello hello.c
C++ 64bit/32bit icpc
icpc -o hello hello.cpp
Fortran 64bit/32bit
Fortran90 64bit/32bit
ifort -o hello hello.f


MKL Library

The MKL libraries are available on work, parallel and calculation servers. For more information, please refer to the manual.


When using the MKL library, set the environment with module command.

  • For Intel compiler
$> module load intel/2020     (64bit)
$> module load intel32/2020   (32bit)
  • For gnu and PGI compiler
$> module load mkl/2020     (64bit)
$> module load mkl32/2020   (32bit)


For the compiler options on linking MKL, refer to Intel Math Kernel Library Link Line Advisor.

  • Intel compiler (C / C++ / Fortran)
$> module load intel/2020
$> icc|icpc|ifort -o example example.[c|f] -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread -lm -ldl4

AOCL Library

The AOCL library on work, calculation and parallel servers is stored on each compiler in the following directory.

Directory compiler
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-blis/ blas library
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-fftw/ fftw library
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-libflame/ libFLAME library for AMD
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-libm/lib math library
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-rng/lib AMD_Random_Number_Generator_Library
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-scalapack high performance linear algebra routines for distributed memory computers supporting MPI
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/amd-securerng AMD_SecureRNG_Library
/opt/aocl-2.1/amd/aocl/2.1/libs all library link here

Compiler Options

Please refer following web.

fftw3 Library

The fftw3 library on work, calculation and parallel servers is stored in the following directory.

Directory type  version
/usr/lib64 fftw3 without MPI 3.2 default
/sw/packages/fftw/fftw3 4 fftw3 with MPI 3.3 build by Intel compiler
/opt/intel/mkl/ fftw3 MKL


  • fftw3 with MPI version
    When using fftw3 library, the Intel compiler is needed in your environment, for fftw3 build with the Intel compiler. Loading the Intel compiler is required even in the use with other compilers.
$> module load intel/2020

When compiling, specify the options -L/sw/packages/fftw/fftw3/lib/ -lfftw3 after the filename (***.f or ***.c ...)

  • fftw3 include MKL
    To use fftw3, set same as using MKL.

MPI Compilation

Execution Environment

Compiling with MPI can be executed on work, calculation and parallel servers. IntelMPI and OpenMPI are available as MPI environment modules.

Environment Configuration

Set environment cariables with module command before compiling with MPI. The compiler for OpenMPI varies, chose correspondingly.

MPI module file
OpenMPI(1.10.7) build by gcc(4.8.5) 5 openmpi/1.10.7
OpenMPI(1.10.7) build by gcc(7.5.0) 5 openmpi/1.10.7-gcc750
OpenMPI(1.10.7) build by gcc(8.3.0) 5 openmpi/1.10.7-gcc830
OpenMPI(1.10.7) build by gcc(9.3.0) 5 openmpi/1.10.7-gcc930
OpenMPI(1.10.7) build by Intel openmpi/1.10.7-intel
OpenMPI(1.10.7) build by PGI openmpi/1.10.7-pgi
OpenMPI(2.1.6) build by gcc(4.8.5) 5 openmpi/2.1.6-gcc
OpenMPI(2.1.6) build by gcc(7.5.0) 5 openmpi/2.1.6-gcc750
OpenMPI(2.1.6) build by gcc(8.3.0) 5 openmpi/2.1.6-gcc830
OpenMPI(2.1.6) build by gcc(9.3.0) 5 openmpi/2.1.6-gcc930
OpenMPI(2.1.6) build by Intel openmpi/2.1.6-intel
OpenMPI(2.1.6) build by PGI openmpi/2.1.6-pgi

Examples of compilation


$> module load intel/2020
$> mpiicc -o intelmpi_64 intelmpi_64.c


$> module load openmpi/1.10.7-gcc
$> mpicc -o openmpi_64 openmpi_64.c

For options with other compiler, please refer Intel Math Kernel Library Link Line Advisor.


You can use ScaLAPACK on the openmpi/IntelMPI environment. Shown below is an example of compilation linked ScaLAPACK( and BLACS ).


C / Fortran

$> module load intel/2020
$> mpiicc|mpiifort -o intelmpi_sltest intelmpi_sltest.[c|f] -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64
 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread -lm -ldl

OpenMPI with gnu

Please refer here for options with other compilers.

C / Fortran

$> module load mkl/2020
$> module load openmpi/1.10.7-gcc
$> mpicc|mpif90 -o openmpi_sltest openmpi_sltest.[c|f] -Wl,--no-as-needed  -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64
 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core  -lmkl_sequential -lm -lpthread -ldl

OpenMP Program Compilation

Execution Environment

Compiling OpenMP program can be executed on work and parallel servers.

Environment Configuration

Set environment cariables with module command before compiling OpenMP program.

Examples of compilation


Shown below is an example of compilation with gcc.

$> gcc -fopenmp -o openmp_64 openmp_64.c

Intel compiler

Shown below is an example of compilation with Intel compiler.

$> module load intel/2020
$> icc -qopenmp -o openmp_64.icc openmp_64.c

PGI compiler

Shown below is an example of compilation with PGI compiler.

$> module load pgi/20.1
$> pgcc -mp -o openmp_64.pgi openmp_64.c


Number of Licenses

Licenses of PGI and Intel Compiler are managed by FlexLM. Users are expected to share total of five licenses for PGI and Intel Compiler together. If the usage exceeds this limit, the execution of the compilation is put on hold.

  1. You can also use Totalview debugger. Please refer here

  2. Only on work and calculation servers 

  3. Only on parallel servers 

  4. Only on work and calculation servers 

  5. Only on work and calculation servers