Batch Queue List

Batch Queue List

List of LSF queues for each work group

Options Description s l h p 1 z
DESCRIPTION Queue descriptions Jobs with an execution time under 6 hours Jobs with an execution time under 48 hours Big jobs of users MPI/OpenMP jobs of users Theoretical calculations, registered users only
PRIORITY The queue priority. A higher value indicates a higher LSF dispatching priority, relative to other queues. 120 100 100 100 100
NICE Adjusts the UNIX scheduling priority at which jobs from this queue execute. 5 5 5 5 5
QJOB_LIMIT Total number of job slots that this queue can use. 4000 - 1500 1500 -
HJOB_LIMIT Per-host running jobs. - - - - -
UJOB_LIMIT Per-user job slot limit. 1000 1500 300 300 100
TASKLIMIT Per-task limit. 1 1 1 24 -
RES_REQ Resource requirements used to determine eligible hosts. affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core]
CPULIMIT Maximum normalized CPU time and optionally. 3:00 24:00:00 168:00:00 576:00:00 -
RUNLIMIT Maximum normalized execution time. 6:00 48:00:00 240:00:00 48:00:00 -
MEMLIMIT Maximum resident set size (RSS) of a process in this queue.(MB) 4096 4096 4096 4096 5 4096
SWAPLIMIT Maximum swap size of a process in this queue.(MB) - - - - -
PROCESSLIMIT Maximum processes of a job in this queue. 7 20 20 20 - 20
FAIRSHARE Enables queue-level user-based fairshare and specifies share assignments. USER_SHARES
- - - -
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES Defines cross-queue fairshare. fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3
RERUNNABLE If yes, enables automatic job rerun (restart). YES YES YES YES YES
PRE_EXEC A command run on the execution host before the job. - - - - -
USERS A space-separated list of user names or user groups that can submit jobs to the queue. all all all all permitted users
HOSTS A space-separated list of hosts on which jobs from this queue can be run. calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1 calccomputeT1_nonGRA calccomputeT1
REQUEUE_EXIT_VALUES Enables automatic job requeue. 101 101 101 101 101
SLOT_RESERVE Enables processor reservation for the queue and specifies the reservation time. - - - MAX_RESERVE_TIME
BACKFILL If Y, enables backfill scheduling for the queue. - - - y -
CORELIMIT The per-process (hard) core file size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - -
STACKLIMIT The per-process (hard) stack segment size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - -
JOB_STARTER Creates a specific environment for submitted jobs prior to execution. 2 2 2 export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX=4 2
Options Descriptions sx lx hx px 1 zx
DESCRIPTION Queue descriptions Jobs with an execution time under 6 hours (Large Memory) Jobs with an execution time under 48 hours (Large Memory) Big jobs of users (Large Memory) MPI/OpenMP jobs of users (Large Memory) Theoretical calculations, registered users only (Large Memory)
PRIORITY The queue priority. A higher value indicates a higher LSF dispatching priority, relative to other queues. 100 100 100 100 100
NICE Adjusts the UNIX scheduling priority at which jobs from this queue execute. 5 5 5 5 5
QJOB_LIMIT Total number of job slots that this queue can use. - - 300 - -
HJOB_LIMIT Per-host running jobs. - - - - -
UJOB_LIMIT Per-user job slot limit. 200 200 60 100 20
TASKLIMIT Per-task limit. 6 6 6 24 6
RES_REQ Resource requirements used to determine eligible hosts. affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] span[hosts=1]
CPULIMIT Maximum normalized CPU time and optionally. 3:00 24:00:00 168:00:00 576:00:00 -
RUNLIMIT Maximum normalized execution time. 6:00 48:00:00 240:00:00 48:00:00 -
MEMLIMIT Maximum resident set size (RSS) of a process in this queue.(MB) 8192 8192 8192 8192 8192
SWAPLIMIT Maximum swap size of a process in this queue.(MB) - - - - -
PROCESSLIMIT Maximum processes of a job in this queue. 7 20 20 20 - 20
FAIRSHARE Enables queue-level user-based fairshare and specifies share assignments. - - - - -
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES Defines cross-queue fairshare. fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3
RERUNNABLE If yes, enables automatic job rerun (restart). YES YES YES YES YES
PRE_EXEC A command run on the execution host before the job. - - - - -
USERS A space-separated list of user names or user groups that can submit jobs to the queue. all all all all permitted users
HOSTS A space-separated list of hosts on which jobs from this queue can be run. calccomputeT2 calccomputeT2 calccomputeT2 calccomputeT2 calccomputeT2
REQUEUE_EXIT_VALUES Enables automatic job requeue. 101 101 101 101 101
SLOT_RESERVE Enables processor reservation for the queue and specifies the reservation time. - - - MAX_RESERVE_TIME
BACKFILL If Y, enables backfill scheduling for the queue. - - - y -
CORELIMIT The per-process (hard) core file size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - -
STACKLIMIT The per-process (hard) stack segment size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - -
JOB_STARTER Creates a specific environment for submitted jobs prior to execution. 2 2 2 export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX=4 2
Options Description P1 Pmpi b_b 1 b_index b_nagoya
DESCRIPTION Queue descriptions For parallel servers For parallel servers(MPI) Analysis jobs of Belle users (72 hours) Analysis jobs of Belle users (for read index files.) Analysis jobs of Belle users (for connect to Nagoya-Univ.)
PRIORITY The queue priority. A higher value indicates a higher LSF dispatching priority, relative to other queues. 100 100 100 110 110
NICE Adjusts the UNIX scheduling priority at which jobs from this queue execute. 5 5 5 5 5
QJOB_LIMIT Total number of job slots that this queue can use. - - - 600 600
HJOB_LIMIT Per-host running jobs. - - - - -
UJOB_LIMIT Per-user job slot limit. - - 1000 100 100
TASKLIMIT Per-task slot limit. 40 40 407 240 1 1 44 1 1
RES_REQ Resource requirements used to determine eligible hosts. span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core]
CPULIMIT Maximum normalized CPU time and optionally. - - 96:00 48:00 48:00
RUNLIMIT Maximum normalized execution time. - - 48:00 48:00 48:00
MEMLIMIT Maximum resident set size (RSS) of a process in this queue.(MB) - - 4096 4096 4096
SWAPLIMIT Maximum swap size of a process in this queue.(MB) - - - - -
PROCESSLIMIT Maximum processes of a job in this queue. 7 - - 30 30 30
FAIRSHARE Enables queue-level user-based fairshare and specifies share assignments. - - - USER_SHARES
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES Defines cross-queue fairshare. fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 b_nagoya -
RERUNNABLE If yes, enables automatic job rerun (restart). NO NO YES YES YES
PRE_EXEC A command run on the execution host before the job. - - - - -
USERS A space-separated list of user names or user groups that can submit jobs to the queue. parallelcompute users only parallelcompute users only belleall belleall belleall
HOSTS A space-separated list of hosts on which jobs from this queue can be run. parallelcompute parallelcompute calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1 calccomputeT1
REQUEUE_EXIT_VALUES Enables automatic job requeue. 101 101 - - -
SLOT_RESERVE Enables processor reservation for the queue and specifies the reservation time. - - MAX_RESERVE_TIME
- -
BACKFILL If Y, enables backfill scheduling for the queue. - - y - -
CORELIMIT The per-process (hard) core file size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. 0 0 - - -
STACKLIMIT The per-process (hard) stack segment size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - 4096 4096 4096
JOB_STARTER Creates a specific environment for submitted jobs prior to execution. - - 2 2 2
Options Description koto_prod th 1 cmb_p cmb_px a p400
DESCRIPTION Queue descriptions Analysis jobs of had_koto users Analysis jobs of theory users For CMB For CMB (Large Memory) Guaranteed Resource Allocation (GRA) MPI/OpenMP jobs of users(400 parallel)
PRIORITY The queue priority. A higher value indicates a higher LSF dispatching priority, relative to other queues. 100 100 100 100 100 100
NICE Adjusts the UNIX scheduling priority at which jobs from this queue execute. 5 5 5 5 5 5
QJOB_LIMIT Total number of job slots that this queue can use. 300 - - - - -
HJOB_LIMIT Per-host running jobs. - - - 10 - -
UJOB_LIMIT Per-user job slot limit. - 300 300 100 4 800
TASKLIMIT Per-task slot limit. 1 1 1 244 48 24 1 400
RES_REQ Resource requirements used to determine eligible hosts. - span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core]
CPULIMIT Maximum normalized CPU time and optionally. 1:00 1152:00 2304:00 1152:00 24:00 19224:00
RUNLIMIT Maximum normalized execution time. 2:00 480:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00
MEMLIMIT Maximum resident set size (RSS) of a process in this queue.(MB) 4096 4096 4096 24567 4096 4096
SWAPLIMIT Maximum swap size of a process in this queue.(MB) - - - - - -
PROCESSLIMIT Maximum processes of a job in this queue. 7 20 20 - - 20 -
FAIRSHARE Enables queue-level user-based fairshare and specifies share assignments. - - - - - -
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES Defines cross-queue fairshare. - fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 fairshare_grp1 3 - -
RERUNNABLE If yes, enables automatic job rerun (restart). YES YES YES YES YES YES
PRE_EXEC A command run on the execution host before the job. - - - - - -
USERS A space-separated list of user names or user groups that can submit jobs to the queue. had_koto permitted users cmb cmb all permitted users
HOSTS A space-separated list of hosts on which jobs from this queue can be run. calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1 calccomputeT1 calccomputeT1_GRA calccomputeT1_nonGRA
REQUEUE_EXIT_VALUES Enables automatic job requeue. 101 - - - 101 101
SLOT_RESERVE Enables processor reservation for the queue and specifies the reservation time. - MAX_RESERVE_TIME
BACKFILL If Y, enables backfill scheduling for the queue. - y - - - y
CORELIMIT The per-process (hard) core file size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - - -
STACKLIMIT The per-process (hard) stack segment size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - - -
JOB_STARTER Creates a specific environment for submitted jobs prior to execution. 2 2 - - - -
Options Description b2_a b2_beast b2_fei b2_prod b_prod dc_generic ph t2k
DESCRIPTION Queue descriptions Analysis jobs of Belle2 users Analysis jobs of Belle2 users Analysis jobs of Belle2 users Analysis jobs of Belle2 users Analysis jobs of Belle users Jobs of OpenStack MPI/OpenMP jobs of users (Long jobs) Analysis jobs of t2k users
PRIORITY The queue priority. A higher value indicates a higher LSF dispatching priority, relative to other queues. 100 130 110 110 110 100 100 100
NICE Adjusts the UNIX scheduling priority at which jobs from this queue execute. 5 5 5 5 5 - 5 5
QJOB_LIMIT Total number of job slots that this queue can use. - 200 100 400 1000 - - 500
HJOB_LIMIT Per-host running jobs. - - - - - - - -
UJOB_LIMIT Per-user job slot limit. - - - - - - 100 -
TASKLIMIT Per-task slot limit. 1 4 44 1 - 1 1 - 48 1
RES_REQ Resource requirements used to determine eligible hosts. span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] span[hosts=1] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] - affinity[core(1):cpubind=core] affinity[core(1):cpubind=core]
CPULIMIT Maximum normalized CPU time and optionally. 96:00 3:00 48:00 24:00 168:00 - 23040:00 3:00
RUNLIMIT Maximum normalized execution time. 48:00 6:00 96:00 48:00 168:00 - 480:00 6:00
MEMLIMIT Maximum resident set size (RSS) of a process in this queue.(MB) 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 - 4096 4096
SWAPLIMIT Maximum swap size of a process in this queue.(MB) - - - - - - - -
PROCESSLIMIT Maximum processes of a job in this queue. 7 30 20 20 100 30 - - 20
FAIRSHARE Enables queue-level user-based fairshare and specifies share assignments. - - - - - - - -
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES Defines cross-queue fairshare. - - - - - - - -
RERUNNABLE If yes, enables automatic job rerun (restart). YES YES YES YES NO - YES YES
PRE_EXEC A command run on the execution host before the job. - - - - - - - -
USERS A space-separated list of user names or user groups that can submit jobs to the queue. permitted users permitted users permitted users permitted users permitted users - permitted users t2k
HOSTS A space-separated list of hosts on which jobs from this queue can be run. calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1,T2 calccomputeT1,T2 - calccomputeT1_nonGRA calccomputeT1,T2
SLOT_RESERVE Enables processor reservation for the queue and specifies the reservation time. - - - - MAX_RESERVE_TIME
BACKFILL If Y, enables backfill scheduling for the queue. y - - - y - y -
CORELIMIT The per-process (hard) core file size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. - - - - - - - -
STACKLIMIT The per-process (hard) stack segment size limit (in KB) for all of the processes belonging to a job from this queue. 4096 - - - 4096 - - -
JOB_STARTER Creates a specific environment for submitted jobs prior to execution. 2 2 2 2 2 - export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX=4 2

Host Groups for Job Execution

Host Group Nodes
calccomputeT1 ccb001 - ccb292
calccomputeIO ccb293 - ccb294
calccomputeT2 ccb501 - ccb572
calccomputeT1_GRA 32 nodes which match the first half of calccomputeT1 with the second half
calccomputeT1_nonGRA calccomputeT1 other than calccomputeT1_nonGRA
parallelcompute ccp01 - ccp06

Crossed-queue Fairshare Group

This system defines the faireshare policy which is applied simultaneously to multiple queues (crossed-queue fairshare). When a user submits a job to more than one queue, the priority will be affected by other jobs that the user has submitted to the queues defined in the following table.

Group Queue
fairshare_grp1 sx, l, h, p, z, lx, hx, px, zx, P1, Pmpi, b_b, b2_a, cmb_p, cmb_px, t2k, koto_prod, th, gridshort, gridbelle_short, gridilc_short, gridg4med_short, gridmiddle, gridlong, gridbelle_middle, gridbelle_long, gridbelle_heavy, gridbelle_mergejob, gridilc_middle, gridilc_long, gridilc_heavy, gridg4med_middle, gridg4med_long, gridg4med_heavy, gridops, p400, ph

Additional Warnings

In addition to the queues listed above, there are also the following queues. They execute only jobs from the Grid system, therefore normal users cannot submit jobs in these queues.

  • gridshort
  • gridmiddle
  • gridlong
  • gridbelle_short
  • gridbelle_middle
  • gridbelle_long
  • gridbelle_heavy
  • gridilc_short
  • gridilc_middle
  • gridilc_long
  • gridilc_heavy
  • gridg4med_short
  • gridg4med_middle
  • gridg4med_long
  • gridg4med_heavy
  • gridops

  1. When they are pending, jobs in queues p, px, p400, ph and b_b, th reserve the job slots available when they are submitted for their own execution. Reserved job slots cannot execute any other jobs as long as they are reserved. The reservation is kept either until all the job slots requested by the parallel job have been found or 24 hours after the reservation started. 

  2. Run this script for submitted jobs prior to execution. LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC is set a numeric value specified bsub -n option. It is set to [Default value] at PROCLIMIT if it no specify. if [ -z "${OMP_NUM_THREADS}" ]; then if [ -z "${LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC}" ]; then export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 else export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC} fi fi if [[ -z "${LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC}" ]] || [[ ${LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC} -eq 1 ]]; then export BASF_NPROCESS=0 else export BASF_NPROCESS=${LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC} fi 

  3. For information on grouping of crossed-queues, see Crossed-queue Faireshare Group 

  4. It can specify the number of CPUs assigning your jobs in queues b_b and th. This three values at PROCLIMIT mean [Minimum value], [Default value] and [Maximum value] from the left. The number of CPUs is able to specify between [Minimum value] and [Maximum value] by bsub -n option. It is set to [Default value] if it no specify. 

  5. MEMLIMIT of queue p is 96GB when you run 24 processes MPI job. 

  6. HJOB_LIMIT of queue b_index is set bellow values. cb001 - cb267 ... HJOB_LIMIT = 3 cb501 - cb568 ... HJOB_LIMIT = 5 

  7. OS limit 1500 processes/user apart from LSF limitation. 

  8. The number of CPUs assigning your jobs in queue P1 is fixed to 24, for occupying 1 node by 1 job.