HSM System

HSM System

HSM System Overview

The HSM system consists of GHI file system and HPSS, and is intended to provide HSM data domain for the batch servers, work servers and the Grid system.
The GHI file system serves as an interface between GPFS and HPSS and offers an operability similar to regular file systems via POSIX-based API.
Data written to the GHI file system will eventually be moved to HPSS.

It does not provide CIFS service , unlike the GPFS disk domain offered in the Disk Storage System.


For detail of GHI and HPSS, please visit the following page Reference.

GHI File system domain

GHI File System Structure

The GHI file system defines available domains assigned to each work group.
Users can access those domains from the work or batch servers and read and write in the directories listed below.
In the new HSM system, each workgroup and each sub-group has been assigned new domains different from the old ones.

(name of file system)
GHI Domain#1
Belle /hsm/belle
Belle2 /hsm/belle2
GHI Domain#2
T2K /hsm/t2k
HAD /hsm/had
MLF /hsm/mlf
ILC /hsm/ilc
CMB /hsm/cmb
Atlas /hsm/atlas
BESS /hsm/bess
Central /hsm/ce
PS /hsm/ps
The OLD data(2000-2005)
GHI Domain#3
Belle2 /ghi/fs03/belle2

Cooperation between GHI and HPSS

GHI and HPSS cooperate and function with each other. Please be aware of the way the GHI handles data.

  • The file(s) on the GHI file system domain exist(s) in GHI disk for the first place, then, copied to the HPSS domain.
    • Workgroups are assigned certain GHI space for use below the workgroup's directory.
    • Files are copied to the HPSS tape volumes predetermined for every affiliation workgroup.
    • ghitapequota command shows the number of tape volumes inserted into HPSS.
  • Frequently-used files are held to GHI disk.
  • Less frequently-used files and the files smaller than 8MB are migrated to HPSS tapes and purged from a GHI disk.
  • If you access files existing only on HPSS tape, the files will be copied to a GHI disk from a HPSS tape by function of GHI stage.
    • This function enables end users to use files without being aware of the actual location.
  • GHI/HPSS is designed to store large files larger than 256M bytes.
    • Please store smaller-size files in Magnetic Disk Storage.
    • Please store the files larger than 8GB in case performance matters.

HPSS Features

The data saved in each work group's directory will be stored on HPSS tape media.
HPSS assigns a unique number of the "class of service, COS" and the Family ID for each workgroup and sub-group.
HPSS manages the number of tape media for each workgroup and sub-group with the COS and Family ID.

Supported HPSS tape media

The HPSS utilizes IBM 3592 tapes which has several sub-types.
The specification of each tape type are shown in the table below;

tape spec. 3592-JE
used period in KEK site 2020 - 2020 - 2016 - 2016 - 2012 - 2016 2012 - 2016 2009 - 2011
non-compressed capacity
20000 15000 10000 7000 4000 1600 1000
max speed
400 - - - 250 200 160

Utilization of the HPSS tape media

The HPSS manages available type and volumes according to COS and Family ID. See COS list for COS's and Family IDs, their directories and media types.


Also see Current tape quota status or perform ghitapequota command for the current number of volumes available for you.

Utilization of GHI file system

The following utility is offered in order to check the utilization of GHI file system.

ghils command

ghils command is effective only on GHI file system. If ghils command is executed on GPFS domain, it will result in an error.
ghils command is similar to the UNIX "ls" command, but adds location information on GHI file system.
The response of ghils takes time somewhat if the specified file exists in HPSS.

<Synopsis>:ghils [-a] [-l] [-n] [-R] [u] <GHI file| GHI directory>
-a -- Include hidden files/directories , such as names which begin with a '.'. 
-l -- <ell> Long format, i.e., include UNIX details similar to 'ls -l'.
-n -- Like option '-l' except that UserID and GroupID will be numeric.
-R -- Recursively list sub-directories.
-u -- Produce unsorted listing.

Note that a slash (/) is required at the end when specifying a directory.

$> ghils /ghi/fs02/test/
H /ghi/fs02/test/hpss_ghi_ls.10
B /ghi/fs02/test/hpss_ghi_ls.11
G /ghi/fs02/test/hpss_ghi_ls.12↓
  • G: The file exists only on the GHI disk.
  • B: The file exists both on the GHI disk and the HPSS.
  • BP: The file exists both on the GHI disk and the HPSS. This file is not GHI-purged.
  • H: The file exists only on the HPSS and not on the GHI disk.
  • HP: The file exists only on the HPSS and not on the GHI disk. This file is not GHI-purged.

ghitapequota2 command

※ The ghitapequota command is also available
ghitapequota2 command shows the usage of tape cartridges owned by each workgroup.
The status output is refreshed hourly.

Tape type is described as follows:

  • JC:3592-JC (GEN5)
  • JD:3592-JD (GEN5) /3592-JD (GEN5A)
  • JE:3592-JE (GEN6)

US/TQ , US/MS is described as follows:

  • US/TQ = Used Size / Tape Qota
    (TQ=JC TapeQuota × 7TB + JD TapeQuota × 15TB + JE TapeQuota × 20TB)
  • US/MS = Used Size / Max Size
<Synopsis>:ghitapequota2 [-g group-name]
with -g : print information about the group which is passed by the argument.
without -g : print information about all groups.
 $> ghitapequota2
Fri Oct 16 16:10:03 JST 2020
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
Name                           COS Famly Assign TapeJC         TapeJD         TapeJE         Used       Free       Max         US/TQ  US/MS
                                ID    ID  Total Qota Used Free Qota Used Free Qota Used Free Size  [GB] Size  [GB] Size  [GB]    [%]    [%]
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
COS                             28     -     12    0    6    6    0    0    0    0    0    0        890      69798      70688      -   1.26
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
COS                             29     -     24    0   24    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     170416       8617     179033      -  95.19
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle2_fs03                     31 31000      -    0    0    -   40    1    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
belle2_fs03_grid_storm          31 31001      -    0    0    -  240  248    -    0    0    -    1690352          0    1690352  70.43      -
belle2_fs03_grid_ops            31 31002      -    1    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -          0       6999       6999   0.00      -
COS                             31     -    281    1    1    0  280  249   31    0    0    0    1690353     471999    2162352      -  78.17
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ce_kagra_grid_storm             51 51001      -    5    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -         34          0         34   0.10      -
COS                             51     -      5    5    1    4    0    0    0    0    0    0         34      28000      28034      -   0.12
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ce_sbrc                         52 52000      -    0    0    -   40    6    -    0    0    -      81718          0      81718  20.43      -
COS                             52     -     40    0    0    0   40    6   34    0    0    0      81718     510000     591718      -  13.81
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
mlf                             61 61000      -    5    2    -    4    2    -    0    0    -      22520       4799      27319  30.03      -
mlf_irods                       61 61001      -   30   15    -   76   35    -    0    0    -     494793       8695     503488  51.01      -
mlf_deeme                       61 61002      -    0    3    -    5    0    -    0    0    -      14538       6618      21156  29.08      -
COS                             61     -    120   35   20   15   85   37   48    0    0    0     531852     845113    1376965      -  38.62
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
cmb                             62 62000      -    0    0    -    9    9    -    0    0    -      77876          0      77876  86.53      -
cmb_pb                          62 62001      -    0    0    -   30    4    -    0    0    -      22030          0      22030   7.34      -
COS                             62     -     39    0    0    0   39   13   26    0    0    0      99907     390000     489907      -  20.39
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ilc_grid                        64 64000      -   17    0    -   33   22    -    0    0    -     201677          0     201677  44.92      -
ilc_grid_dpm                    64 64001      -    0    5    -    7    0    -    0    0    -      34555          0      34555  49.36      -
COS                             64     -     57   17    5   12   40   22   18    0    0    0     236233     354000     590233      -  40.02
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ce_naregi                       65 65000      -    0    0    -    2    1    -    0    0    -       1078          0       1078   5.39      -
COS                             65     -      2    0    0    0    2    1    1    0    0    0       1078      15000      16078      -   6.70
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
t2k_JB_beam                     66 66001      -    5    4    -   14   13    -    0    0    -     130097          0     130097  74.34      -
COS                             66     -     19    5    4    1   14   13    1    0    0    0     130097      22000     152097      -  85.54
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
test_ibm_se                     67 67000      -    0    0    -    1    1    -    0    0    -        274          0        274   2.74      -
test_ibm_sysimage_bk1           67 67001      -    0    0    -    1    1    -    0    0    -       8194          0       8194  81.94      -
test_ibm_sysimage_bk2           67 67002      -    0    0    -    1    1    -    0    0    -        462          0        462   4.62      -
orhpan_file                     67 75000      -    0    0    -    1    1    -    0    0    -          2          0          2   0.02      -
COS                             67     -      6    0    0    0    4    6    0    0    0    0       9916          0       9916      - 100.00
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
t2k_beam                        68 68001      -   10    2    -    8    4    -    0    0    -      86173        911      87084  57.45      -
t2k_nd280                       68 68002      -   15   18    -    8    4    -    0    0    -     118249      26309     144558  63.92      -
t2k_irods                       68 68003      -    4    6    -    3    0    -    0    0    -      20598       6913      27511  35.51      -
COS                             68     -     48   29   26    3   19    8   11    0    0    0     225020     220135     445155      -  50.55
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
nu_wagasci                      69 69001      -    0    0    -    5    7    -    0    0    -     228742          0     228742 457.48      -
nu_ninja                        69 69002      -    0    0    -    1    1    -    0    0    -       1815          0       1815  18.15      -
COS                             69     -     11    0    0    0    6    8    3    0    0    0     230557      45000     275557      -  83.67
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
had_koto                        70 70000      -    0    0    -  263  208    -    0    0    -    2097726          0    2097726  79.76      -
COS                             70     -    263    0    0    0  263  208   55    0    0    0    2097726     825000    2922726      -  71.77
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
had                             71 71000      -    0    1    -    1    0    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
had_sks                         71 71001      -   10    9    -   28   20    -    0    0    -     242663          0     242663  69.33      -
had_knucl                       71 71002      -    5    6    -   15   26    -    5    1    -     321183          0     321183 112.70      -
had_trek                        71 71003      -    5    3    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      15363          0      15363  43.89      -
had_g-2                         71 71004      -    0    0    -    5    5    -    0    0    -      37517          0      37517  75.03      -
had_muon                        71 71005      -    0    1    -   15   13    -    0    0    -     114303          0     114303  76.20      -
had_high-p                      71 71006      -    0    0    -    4    4    -    0    0    -      22370          0      22370  55.93      -
COS                             71     -     93   20   20    0   68   68    0    5    1    4     753402      80000     833402      -  90.40
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ilc                             72 72000      -   15   11    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      54539       9972      64511  51.94      -
COS                             72     -     15   15   11    4    0    0    0    0    0    0      54539      37972      92511      -  58.95
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ilc_grid_storm                  73 73000      -  135   83    -   20    0    -    0    0    -     513092       7365     520457  44.81      -
COS                             73     -    155  135   83   52   20    0   20    0    0    0     513092     671365    1184457      -  43.32
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
acc                             74 74001      -    2    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -       5123          0       5123  36.59      -
atlas                           74 74002      -    2    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
ce                              74 74003      -    2    4    -    0    0    -    0    0    -       7100      13269      20369  50.71      -
ce_geant4                       74 74004      -    2    2    -    0    0    -    0    0    -        438       6948       7386   3.13      -
COS                             74     -      8    8    8    0    0    0    0    0    0    0      12662      20217      32879      -  38.51
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
test                            75 75000      -   13    6    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      26300       6999      33299  28.90      -
test_ibm_test_cksum             75 75001      -    5    3    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      14120          0      14120  40.34      -
COS                             75     -     18   18    9    9    0    0    0    0    0    0      40420      69999     110419      -  36.61
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ce_lcg_dpm                      76 76001      -    2    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -       4188          0       4188  29.91      -
COS                             76     -      2    2    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0       4188       7000      11188      -  37.43
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ce_irods                        77 77000      -    2    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -         28          0         28   0.20      -
ce_irods_irods01                77 77001      -    2    2    -    0    0    -    0    0    -        157       6999       7156   1.12      -
ce_irods_irods04                77 77004      -    2    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -         32          0         32   0.23      -
COS                             77     -      6    6    4    2    0    0    0    0    0    0        218      20999      21217      -   1.03
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
bess                            78 78000      -    6    2    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      13836          0      13836  32.94      -
COS                             78     -      6    6    2    4    0    0    0    0    0    0      13836      28000      41836      -  33.07
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ps_klea                         79 79000      -   12   10    -    0    0    -    0    0    -     101645          0     101645 121.01      -
had_koto_jc                     79 79001      -  712  714    -    0    0    -    0    0    -    4722597          0    4722597  94.76      -
COS                             79     -    724  724  724    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    4824243          0    4824243      - 100.00
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle_bdata1                    81 81001      -   23   23    -   32   29    -    0    0    -     379741          0     379741  78.95      -
COS                             81     -     55   23   23    0   32   29    3    0    0    0     379741      45000     424741      -  89.41
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle_bhsm                      82 82000      -    0    0    -  135  152    -    0    0    -    1248145      74973    1323118  92.46      -
COS                             82     -    152    0    0    0  135  152    0    0    0    0    1248145      74973    1323118      -  94.33
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle_grid                      83 83000      -    0    0    -    2    1    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
belle_grid_dpm                  83 83001      -    0    0    -    3    1    -    0    0    -       5444          0       5444  18.15      -
COS                             83     -      5    0    0    0    5    2    3    0    0    0       5444      45000      50444      -  10.79
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle2_grid                     84 84000      -    0    0    -    2    4    -    0    0    -        161      14999      15160   0.80      -
belle2_grid_dpm                 84 84001      -    0    0    -    3    1    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
COS                             84     -      5    0    0    0    5    5    0    0    0    0        161      14999      15160      -   1.06
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ibm_test_stage_1                87 87000      -    3    2    -    0    0    -    0    0    -        171       6999       7170   0.81      -
ibm_test_stage_1                87 87001      -    1    1    -    0    0    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
COS                             87     -      4    4    4    0    0    0    0    0    0    0        177       6999       7176      -   2.47
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ibm_test_stage_2                88 88000      -    2    2    -    0    0    -    0    0    -        803       6999       7802   5.74      -
COS                             88     -      2    2    2    0    0    0    0    0    0    0        803       6999       7802      -  10.29
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ibm_test_stage_3                89 89001      -    0    0    -    3    3    -    0    0    -          7          0          7   0.02      -
COS                             89     -      3    0    0    0    3    3    0    0    0    0          7          0          7      - 100.00
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
old                             90 90000      -    5    3    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      19714          0      19714  56.33      -
COS                             90     -      5    5    3    2    0    0    0    0    0    0      19714      14000      33714      -  58.47
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle2_bdata                    92 92001      -  320  320    -  700  648    -    0    0    -    8736897          0    8736897  94.56      -
COS                             92     -   1020  320  320    0  700  648   52    0    0    0    8736897     780000    9516897      -  91.80
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle_bfs                       93 93000      -  249  173    -    0    0    -    0    0    -    1034855      27973    1062828  59.37      -
belle_bdata2                    93 93002      -  320  295    -    0    0    -    0    0    -     935658      25867     961525  41.77      -
COS                             93     -    569  569  519   50    0    0    0    0    0    0    2417122     410678    2827800      -  85.48
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
belle_grid_storm                94 94001      -  110    5    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      27591          0      27591   3.58      -
belle2_grid_storm               94 94002      -  168  274    -  276  235    -    0    0    -    2692343     102414    2794757  68.40      -
belle_grid_storm_local_test     94 94003      -    3    1    -    0    1    -    0    0    -          0          0          0   0.00      -
belle2_grid_ops                 94 94004      -    1    2    -    0    0    -    0    0    -          0       6999       6999   0.00      -
COS                             94     -    558  282  282    0  276  236   40    0    0    0    2719934     709414    3429348      -  79.31
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ce_lcg_storm                    95 95000      -   20    7    -    0    0    -    0    0    -      29819       8502      38321  21.30      -
COS                             95     -     20   20    7   13    0    0    0    0    0    0      29819      99502     129321      -  23.06
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
$> ghitapequota -g ilc_grid
Fri Oct 16 17:10:02 JST 2020
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
Name                           COS Famly Assign TapeJC         TapeJD         TapeJE         Used       Free       Max         US/TQ  US/MS
                                ID    ID  Total Qota Used Free Qota Used Free Qota Used Free Size  [GB] Size  [GB] Size  [GB]    [%]    [%]
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
ilc_grid                        64 64000      -   17    0    -   33   22    -    0    0    -     201677          0     201677  44.92      -
ilc_grid_dpm                    64 64001      -    0    5    -    7    0    -    0    0    -      34555          0      34555  49.36      -
COS                             64     -     57   17    5   12   40   22   18    0    0    0     236233     354000     590233      -  40.02
------------------------------ --- ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------

ghitapedrive command

ghitapedrive command shows availability of HPSS tape drives.
It may help to check the status of tape drives when there is a trouble accessing files only on the HPSS domain.

$> ghitapedrive
-------------- ---------- ----------
Year Date Time NumTapeDrv NumFreeDrv
-------------- ---------- ----------
2020.0713.1817     72         72
-------------- ---------- ----------
  • NumTapeDrv: Number of all available drives
  • NumFreeDrv: Number of empty drives

hstage - Batch processing is used to stage files

This batch processing is used to stage files which have been purged from the GHI file system.

  • How to use the hstage
    Create a list of files you want to stage in the /ghi/fs0[1-3]/hstage/requests/ of the file system that contains the files you want to stage.

    If you want to stage files in /ghi/fs01, create a file list in /ghi/fs01/hstage/request/.
    If you want to stage files in /ghi/fs02, create a file list in /ghi/fs02/hstage/request/.
    If you want to stage files in /ghi/fs03, create a file list in /ghi/fs03/hstage/request/.

    If not specified as above, stage processing will not be performed.
    The file list must contains files or directories to be staged with full path name.
    The file list file path name must contain /ghi/fs0[1-3]/.
    If there are any space in the file paths, hstage will not work well correctly.

Case of staging files in /ghi/fs01/path/to/

% cat /ghi/fs01/hstage/request/sample.lst

* Maximum entries of one file list is 10,000.
* Staging is processed in the order of file creation time.
  • The result is output in the /ghi/fs0[1-3]/hstage/results/yyyymmdd directory.
    "results."+"data-and-time" of processing is postfixed to the requested filename as a output file.

* Files will be automatically deleted after one month.
  • Also, your request file is moved to the /ghi/fs0[1-3]/hstage/requets/done/yyyymmdd directory.
    "data-and-time" of processing is postfixed to the requested filename.

* Files will be automatically deleted after one month.
  • Check your results
% cat sample.lst.result.yyyymmdd_hhmmss
B /ghi/fs01/path/to/file.1
B /ghi/fs01/path/to/file.2
B /ghi/fs01/path/to/file.3
+-- ghils status:
    G: The file is GHI resident and has not been migrated to HPSS.
    B: The file is dual resident. The data exists in both GHI and HPSS.
    H: The file is HPSS resident. The file data has been purged from GHI.

    * The file residency indicator will be followed by P if the file is pinned (a blank ' ' if not in pinned-state).
  • To find your request files, use the find command etc.
% find /ghi/fs0?/hstage/requests/done/*/ -user username

Changes from the old Common Computing System

Comparison between the HPSS in the old system and the HSM in the new Data Analysis System is described in the following table.

Item HSM System (New) HSM System (Old)
Software Name
HPSS 8.3.0 update 3
GHI 3.0.1 update 4
HPSS 7.4.3 patch 2
GHI 2.5.0 patch 1
Type and number of tape libraries TS1160, 72 TS1150, 54
TS1140, 12
Supported tape media and capacity JC Gen5(7TB)
JD Gen5A(15TB)
JE Gen6(20TB)
JB Gen3(1TB)
JB Gen4(1.6TB)
JC Gen4(4TB)
JC Gen5(7TB)
JD Gen5(10TB)

TIPS for using HSM system

Staging files

Files you created in HSM filesystem are purged (deleted from a GHI disk) a short time later.
For example, you can see following result "H" by using ghils command against the purged file /ghi/fs01/path/to/file. (H(pss) means the file is only HPSS tape)

$> ghils /ghi/fs01/path/to/file 
    H /ghi/fs01/path/to/file

If you submit jobs using files such as above condition, you can use CPU resources more effectively by staging these files.
As user prividge, you can stage files by reading more than 1 byte. ("ls" command is not suitable)
We recommend following command:

$> od /ghi/fs01/path/to/file | tail -n 1

After finishing file stage, you can see following result "B" by using ghils command. (B(oth) means the file is between GHI disk and HPSS tape)

$> ghils /ghi/fs01/path/to/file 
   B /ghi/fs01/path/to/file

If you need to stage more than hundreds of files, please use the hstage utility.

The Size Restriction of the GHI file

The GHI file which size is 0 bytes can be created. But it cannot be migrated to the HPSS area.

The Length Restriction of the full path name of the GHI file

The GHI filesystem restricts the full path name of the GHI file to 1023 bytes or smaller.

The GHI file which full path name is longer than 1024 bytes can be created. But it cannot be migrated to the HPSS area. In order to migrate the GHI file to the HPSS area, it is mandatory to make the GHI file which full path name is smaller or equal to 1023 bytes.

The length of the full path name is counted based on the real file name, starting with "/ghi", which is a real GHI file name. Please note that the GHI filesystem can be expressed as symbolic link name. For example, the GHI file can be accessed via the directory name /hsm/belle, but it is the symbolic link to the real directory /ghi/fs01/belle. Please refer to the GHI File System Structure for each directory name.

  • The real directory name for the belle and belle2 groups' HSM filesystem is /ghi/fs01.
  • The real directory name for other groups' HSM filesysm is /ghi/fs02.

The character Restriction of the path name of the GHI file

ASCII control characters (decimal system 00-31) are not available as GHI file names.
If used, it will be renamed by the system.

The file type Restriction of the HPSS file

The Socket file and Pipe file can be created. But it cannot be migrated to the HPSS area.

Tape usage limits

When there are not enough tape volume(s) remaining, the representative of each workgroup will receive a warning mail. In this case, one of the following will be suggested;

  • Deletion of an unnecessary file(s)
  • Additional purchase of tape cartridge(s)

Additional References

Introduction of GHI and HPSS

For detail of GHI and HPSS, please visit the following page.

GHI/HPSS Glossary

  • GHI migration

    • "GHI migration" means file is copied to HPSS domain from GHI disk.
    • A file newly written in GHI file system exists on GHI disk at first, then it is automatically copied to a HPSS disk according to a GHI policy.
  • GHI purge

    • "GHI purge" means deleting file from a GHI disk.
    • If the usage reaches the preset upper limit of the GHI file system, the least recently used file becomes a candidate for deletion from a GHI disk.
    • No GHI purge is executed for never GHI-migrated files.
    • GHI-purged file exists only on HPSS domain (disk or tape) until it is GHI-staged.
  • GHI stage

    • "GHI stage" means copying file from HPSS domain to GHI disk.
    • If GHI-purged file is called, it is automatically copied to a GHI disk from HPSS domain.
  • HPSS migration

    • "HPSS migration" means copying file from from HPSS disk cache to HPSS tape media.
    • Writing to HPSS disks is called GHI migration.
    • A file on the HPSS disk cache is automatically copied to HPSS tape media according to a HPSS policy associated for every COS/FamilyID.
  • HPSS purge

    • "HPSS purge" means deleting file from HPSS disk cache.
    • If the usage reached the preset upper limit of the HPSS disk cache, the least recently used file becomes a candidate for deletion from HPSS disk cache.
    • No HPSS purge is executed for never HPSS-migrated files.
    • HPSS-purged file exists only on HPSS tape media not on HPSS disk cache.